Architect: Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Related entries: 6
Kaleidos House, Mérida, México, Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Kaleidos House

“How to create a single-family home, comfortable, functional and out of the ordinary, in a lot with dimensions of 4×69 meters without dying in the attempt”. This was our challenge when designing “Kaleidos House”. The ratio of 1 to 17 between the length and width of the lot was not […]

Diaphanous House, Mérida, México, Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Diaphanous House

The revitalization Mérida’s historic center has brought with it a new value for built heritage, whether it be partial or total and the interventions we see today are very diverse. Diaphanous House  is an anonymous dwelling on its exterior that adapts to the contextual image of the city, returning to […]

Door to Mérida House, Mérida, Mexico, Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Door to Mérida House

The trees stay! This was the initial phrase in the interview with the owners of the property, a pair of preexisting galleries, the first one with a shed covered in soot, barely noticeable the color of the clay roof tiles, and the second one covered with metal sheets was almost […]

Colibrí House, Mérida, Mexico, Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Colibrí House

Located in the Barrio de Santiago, Colibrí House in a Casona (Old House) at Merida historic center with colonial chacateristics that had different architectonic restoration actions, going by a rehabilitation process to consolidate the damaged physical areas from the building; also restructuring some elements to extend the living area to […]

Koala House, Mérida, Mexico, Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Koala House

The aim of Casa Koala is to unify two concepts across varied elements achieving a sense of cohesion and logic, which translates into a whole that meets the needs of the users. The challenge was to obtain a contemporary space, without the loss of original features and elements. Casa Koala […]

RC 80 House, Mérida, Mexico, Taller Estilo Arquitectura

RC 80 House

The historic background of the building and the cultural and social value were the characteristics that inspired us for the interpretation and intervention of Casa RC 80. An irregular lot and some pre-existing elements give this home a unique character. The arrangement of spaces allows us to create a harmonious […]